AAP Education Online Academy

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University undergraduate courses for health professionals have their clinical practice component steeped in a hospital tradition. Fair enough, that was where most graduates headed to after completion of their degree. Well, they did 20+ years ago. Not so in recent time. A much larger number of graduates are heading directly into private practice and the expectations and skill sets required are significantly different. What happens? Stress, overwhelm, confusion, dissatisfaction.

Don't get me wrong, I love working in private practice. In fact, after a couple of hit and miss years in the hospital setting, I KNEW it wasn't for me and started exploring other options. Since 1996 AAP Education has been providing clinically based training for allied health practitioners. In the last few years, it has become blatantly obvious when talking to participants on these courses, that new graduates are still doing it tough and struggling with the transition into private practice.

Here are some quotes from recent graduates about areas they struggle with:

"I'm finding it hard to be able to manage a crazy/busy caseload of on average 45 hours a week and be able to also balance life outside of my working hours. I find I have no time for anything - friends, family, exercise, social etc.. and this really makes me unhappy and anxious at times."

"Marketing. This was something we never learnt at uni."

"Self-doubt! I know I know a lot of stuff, but pulling it out of the brain at the right time, with confidence, and making it all makes sense for a patient on the spot is a huge challenge - especially when, as a student, we always had time to step out of the room, process, chat and discuss things with a supervisor, and then re-enter the room."

"Learning and understanding private sector funding mechanisms and processes and figuring out what our responsibilities and expectations are when dealing with clients with claims covered under workers compensation or insurance."

"When I first started I found it difficult to combine a meaningful assessment, whilst thinking to myself at the same time, the direction I was going to take with the treatment and then being able to effectively communicate with the patient without seeming like I wasn't confident or was busy thinking in my head possible directions of treatment and diagnoses. I guess it was all pretty overwhelming"

I totally get where these people are coming from. Transition into private practice is tough. I know it, I felt it and there is a better way than jumping off the deep end and seeing if you are a sinker or a floater. Hence we at AAP Education formed the Online Academy. We aim in the Academy, to provide those necessary peripheral skills to enjoy, feel competent and succeed in private practice, without the lead weights around your ankles!

If this information and situation resonate with you, here is what I suggest.

Step 1.

Sign up for our Mindset email course. It is free and you will get a feel for the type of information we offer and how it can help you become a better private practitioner.

Step 2.

If you are saying yes, yes, yes inside, then you are already ready for the next step. I would suggest you dive into our problem-solving 'Strive & Thrive in Private Practice' online course. Other options include, "7 Key Pillars - Being Successful in Private Practice" and "Masqueraders".

Click here for the shortcut or on the course you are interested in below. Presto, problem solved, you can tick that one off your bucket list.

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