Mulligan's Program

Brian Mulligan is the originator of the Mulligan Concept and “mobilisation with movement” as we know it today and founder of Mulligan Concept Teachers Association (MCTA). Without his intellect, insight and enthusiasm, a whole area of manual therapy may have never seen the light of day.

Brian is listed as one of "The Seven Most Influential Persons in Orthopedic Physical Therapy Today" by members of the American Physical Therapy Association and Mulligan Concept courses are among the most popular courses for physiotherapists worldwide.

Brian Mulligan has “retired” from teaching the basic Mulligan Concept courses, but continues to present combined seminars and can be coaxed by MCTA teachers to present his work at various conferences and events internationally. Brian plans to “drop in the saddle” and the hope of MCTA members is that he will continue to present his work for a long time to come.

Mark Oliver presents the Mulligan Upper and Lower Quadrant courses in Perth and also his own course "SIJ & Pelvis", in which assessment and treatment methods are based upon Mulligan concepts.
Mark is an internationally recognised clinical educator with 30 years clinical experience and 25 years teaching experience. He was a lecturer on the Graduate Diploma in Manipulative Therapy and Graduate Diploma in Sports Physiotherapy courses at Curtin University, has presented more than 200 clinical workshops and lectures, is a keynote speaker at conferences, has written chapters in textbooks and published in scientific journals. Mark is Australia’s most experienced Mulligan Concept teacher and practitioner.

Links to Mulligan's Courses

Mulligan's Upper Quadrant

Mulligan's Lower Quadrant

The Pelvis