A Step by Step Guide to Successful Management of Acute LBP

Have you ever had someone crawl into your practice, because of their back pain?

I have, it is pretty scary the first time!


Do you feel confused, overwhelmed or even frightened as to what to do or say to help?

Screenshot_2023-01-27_at_9.04.22_pm.pngThis article is ideal for new and recent physiotherapy graduates unsure of what to do when presented with a client in severe pain as a result of acute lumbar pathology. Over many years I have refined & applied these 5 steps. They provide a concise framework, integrate evidence-based research and will enable you to appropriately manage even clients that crawl into your practice.

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I believe you will find this information of great use and reduce your stress when managing someone with acute lumbar pain.

All the best

Dr Doug signaure