Understand Sleep

Sleep is one of the new frontiers of medicine and we can play an integral role in assisting clients to achieve optimal sleep. Why is this important and what can you do...read on.

1. Your Sleep Hygiene Guide

There are many factors that contribute to a 'good' night of sleep and a chunk of factors start during the day! When the sleep cycle is directly affected and there are no other underlying causes this is called primary insomnia.Screen Shot 2021 09 22 at 8.07.20 pm

As there are no underlying causes with a diagnosis of primary insomnia a lot of these issues can be modified and overcome with appropriate education.

Interestingly, the public has stated that they believe WE should provide this education**, however, most of us don't or can't, which means those of us that can, are better able to assist clients seeking improvements in the quality of many aspects of their daily life. 

For those that don't have the training, research background or time, I have created an online course that covers the 3 essential areas of Education, Assessment and Take Action. In the course Sleep Mastery, I take you through a step-by-step process on how to integrate sleep education into your current clinical practice.

You can download the most popular patient handout from this course, which is called the Sleep Hygiene Guide. In this guide, I identify 8-day and 8-night-time habits, that degrade sleep and what you can do to avoid their influence.

Add your details to instantly receive your copy of the '16 Point Sleep Hygiene Guide'

2. Your 14-Night Sleep Posture Challenge

Sign up and join other clinicians for this short, email course, and learn through experience, the importance of assessing and changing sleep posture.

As a bonus, learn what to say when clients ask you, 'What pillow/mattress/based do you recommend?'

Sleep nigth challenge

3. Sleep & Spinal Pain Webinar


In this 90-minute webinar presented to the Australian Osteopathic Association of Australia, you will learn about the clinical relationships between short sleeping and poor health, sleep posture and waking spinal pain and some handy subjective and objective methods to include in your assessment.




** Kunstler B, Fuller R, Pervan S, Merolli M. Australian adults expect physiotherapists to provide physical activity advice: A survey. Journal of Physiotherapy. 2019;65(4):230-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jphys.2019.08.002