Soon to be a Private Practitioner?
What is happening to me? The transition from university to private practice can be an abrupt jolt. From having a few clients, hour-long assessments and a supervisor on tap to guide you through unknown situations at Uni, you suddenly find yourself in a room, just you and your client. Client-after-client. All the clients have expectations because they are paying you for your professional services. You are presented with a range of conditions you don’t fully understand, struggle staying on time through the day and perhaps working long hours. On top of that, you are expected to build a caseload and have marketing requirements to fulfil. That is a jolt. Sometimes, so much it puts people off their profession, but we understand and have developed some great tools to help ease your transition and assist you to grow as a private practitioner.
Private Practitioners Tips Email Series
You can sign up for our short emial series introducing you to private practice. In this series we examine time management, how and why to value your time, key areas to focus on to build your list and ways to increase your productivity amongts a few.
You may also be interested in these Critical Resources for Graduates.
Private Practitioners Mindsets Email Series
Ready to make the transition into private practice? Congratulations, it is truly an environment that presents a fantastic array of options - but with so much, it can also be daunting. In this email sequence, I will send you 9 Mindset emails, each with a gold nugget that will touch upon important areas of being a successful private practice clinician, helping you discover the secrets not taught at Uni.
Doug Cary AAP Education Clinical Director
P.S. One of the most confronting clinical challenges is a person presenting with acute low back pain. Knowing what you can realistically achieve and what to do are great starting points in managing this clinical challenge. For this reason we have written up a detailed step by step guideline for you here.