Physio10 cover 2022 LRPhysio+10 Podcast 

Welcome to Physio+10, the bi-monthly show that puts you in contact with clinicians, researchers, administrators and entrepreneurs with 10+ years of Physiotherapy experience under their belts. The aim of Physio+10 is simple – to share the stories of physios that have been in the profession for 10+ years and learn from their experiences.


Firstly Physio+10 will help you look into your future by understanding others' past. A wise person told me that to understand what I might be doing in 10 years, was to talk with and hang out with people of that age and experience. Physio+10 will explore why guests chose physiotherapy, mentors that guided them, events that shaped their decisions, how they achieved work-life balance and what they see for the profession in the future. Absorb their experiences, knowledge and insights.

As physios, we have the luxury of being an autonomous profession. This doesn’t mean that we don’t collaborate with other health professionals, not at all, rather we can and do on a daily basis, make decisions that improve the health of our patients, without relying on or being dictated to by other health professionals. We are a health building profession and our skills and training enable us to be primary contact professionals. This primary contact status is due to those physios that have gone before us, that have opened new opportunities and have shaped our profession as it is today. This process is ongoing. So, the second reason for the Physio+10 podcast is to acknowledge those Physios that have and are shaping our profession in their own individual ways.

While Physio+10 does explore the journey of individual Physiotherapists, podcast host Dr Doug Cary asks each guest a range of common questions;

  • how did you get started and what influenced you?
  • was there a period when you left the profession and what pulled you back?
  • if you could reach back in time, what would you tell your younger self to make your journey more rewarding?
  • what were three key moments in your professional life and why?
  • where do you see the professional heading in 5 years

As a physiotherapist with 10+ years of experience and a story to tell, please email a brief biography to the podcast host to express your interest. 

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Catch the latest or previous conversations

You can listen to each episode here or if you would like the show notes, mentioned links and guest biographies, shoot over to our dedicated Physio+10 website.
You can also view most conversations on our YouTube channel.
Either way, thanks for listening and providing a rating that will enable others to find the experiences of these exceptional Physiotherapists.