Do You Understand Infection Control Issues?

If you want to better understand the significant issues involved in good infection control procedures, this 21-page report is for you. Updated to include recent changes from the W.A. Health Department in regards to swabbing.

The report, titled "Infection Control in Dry Needling & Acupuncture V3.2" is a synthesis of current national infection control guidelines and how they impact on your clinical practice. You need this information to make appropriate decisions on infection control.

As always, this report is provided in good faith and practitioners need to make clinical decisions based on individual situations.

Report Contents

Chapter 1 - Infection Background

Chapter 2 - Published Guidelines

Chapter 3 - Hand Hygiene

Chapter 4 - Gloves

Chapter 5 - Skin Preparation

Chapter 6 - Swab Disposal

Chapter 7 - Needle Usage

Chapter 8 - Other Resources

Chapter 9 - References

Extra Clinical Bonus

Along with this report, you'll also get a complimentary subscription to our Dry Needling & Acupuncture email series. This consists of a weekly digest, direct to your email box on topics dry needling and acupuncture related.  You'll get ideas, research information, techniques, insight, and inspiration on a regular basis, helping you unravel those clinical conundrums appearing every day.

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I believe you will find lots of detailed, quality reading in your report that will help you make informed decisions.

Happy reading,

Dr Doug signaure